Dave Obee       Local History / Family History


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Dave Obee has written a dozen books and has given more than 700 presentations at genealogy and history conferences since 1997. He offers four dozen presentation topics, ranging from general genealogical information, to Canadian research, to technology and more.
Read more about Dave.

Upcoming presentations (most will be online)

Thursday, February 6 -- Campbell River, British Columbia
Campbell River Genealogical Society
Passing it Forward: How to Engage the Next Generation

Tuesday, March 4 -- Oshawa, Ontario
Durham branch, Ontario Ancestors
Beyond the Online Basics: A guide to using digital collections

Saturday, March 8 -- Burlington, Washington
Skagit Valley Genealogical Society
Artificial Intelligence and Genealogy

Friday, March 21 -- Bainbridge Island, Washington
Bainbridge Island Genealogical Society
Genealogy, Geography and Germany: A guide to sources

Friday, May 2 -- Legacy Family Tree Webinar
Online webinar series
Nach Kanada! Immigration of Germans to Canada

Tuesday, May 27 -- Naples, Florida
Genealogical Society of Collier County
Between Friends/ Entre Amis: Cousins Across the Border

Dave's presentations to date

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For more information, please check Dave's speaking schedule, which includes all of his past talks on genealogy, as well as his list of seminar topics.

Books written by Dave
dave books Dave has written a dozen books on family history and local history topics. A full list of his books is found here. Some of his early books are available for free -- see below.

Free PDF downloads:
Back to the Land: A Genealogical Guide to Land Records
Federal Voters Lists in Western Canada 1935-1979
Federal Voters Lists in Ontario 1935-1979
Lethbridge 1891: A Settlement Becomes a Town
Newspapers on microfilm at the University of Victoria library

Other resources on this site:
Toronto ward boundaries 1834-1908
Index to the 1891 census of Lethbridge, Alberta
Passenger list of the Montcalm, July 16, 1936
Two books based on life in Alberta's Swan Hills

Honours over the years
dave obee at university of victoria In 2012, the University of Victoria presented Dave with an honourary doctorate of laws for his work as a journalist, historian and genealogist. He has received several other national and provincial awards. Read more about Dave.

Video and audio samples

The Library Book launch, 2011 (video)
Unrehearsed presentation, with an actor playing a library pioneer

10 Top Tips for How to Bust Through Your Genealogy Brick Wall (video)
Genealogy Gems, with Lisa Louise Cooke

Genealogy Gems (audio)
Episode 92, with host Lisa Louise Cooke

My Ellerby Saga

DNA: Should Siblings Test?

DNA: Weiss Ancestry

Book reviews
Victoria history
Genealogy columns

Dave's other sites:
CanGenealogy | Volhynia

robp270.jpg Royal Oak Burial Park
A Century of Service. Published in 2023, the centennial of the largest municipal cemetery in British Columbia, owned by Saanich and Victoria. It includes a history of the cemetery as well as section-by-section biographies of about 500 people buried there. All burial locations included in the bio section are identified with GPS co-ordinates. C$30.00

crossing canada On immigration
Dave is the author of Destination Canada, the most comprehensive book on immigration into this country. Dave also speaks about immigration at family history conferences.

chelm, poland On Eastern Europe
Dave made his first research visit to Eastern Europe in 1995, and has been back several times since. He gives several presentations on research sources in that area.

obees in 1911 census On the census
Dave's book Counting Canada is the most comprehensive guide available for researchers using the Canadian census. It covers the history of the census and offers advice for effective research.

colonist from 1868 On newspapers
Dave has been a journalist for more than four decades, so offers a unique perspective on getting the most information from old newspapers.

shirley douglas Ancestry launch
Dave Obee presents Shirley Douglas with a published copy of her family history at the official launch of, in Toronto in May 2006.

Extra! Extra!

Toby Theatre 1960 -- What was playing in Invermere, way back when

Radium Drive-In 1960 -- In the summer, the drive-in was open

Mr. Walker's class, fall of 1965
Falun School, Alberta

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